Rabbi Gavriel Zinner Visits Miami Yeshiva

Rabbi Gavriel Zinner, the author of the series Nitei Gavriel spoke to the Bochurim of Yeshiva Gedolah of Miami this past Sunday. He began with a D’var Torah in the Gemara the Bochurimare learning, Bava Metzia. Then he told over the opinion of the Alter Rebbe in Hilchos Hatmana in Shabbos.

Afterwards he said some stories of the Rebbe. There was a woman in square and one night she had a dream that the Rebbe came to her and told her not to marry a certain man. She afterwards went to the Ohel and Davened there and when she left she met someone who told her not to marry this man because he is not an honest person. She told this story herself to Rabbi Zinner

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