Video: Childrens Yud Shvat Global Rally

Want to do something big for Yud Shevat? This Monday join thousands of Chayolim around the world, from Australia to London, for the Tzivos Hashem Rally Right here on

Starring: A farbrengen with the Rebbe in 770!

  • Listen to the Rebbe say the Mammer Bosi Legani 5701!
  • Sing The Beinuni and Tzoma L’cho Nafshi along with Chassidim
  • Say the 12 Pesukim with children from around the globe
  • Salute the Chayolim who have been promoted in rank in the last month
  • Find out who are the top winner of this month’s Raffle
  • Give a dime to Tzedoka

Come be a part of Yud Shevat!

Prepare to join the rally!

1. Click Here Print out the Maamer below and follow along as the Rebbe speaks.

2. Bring a Pushka and Dimes for Tzedoko.