Dayanus Test Takes Place Over Web Conference

Students in the Dayanus program of Kollel Tiferes Menachem of Los Angeles under the direction of Rabbi Dovid Schmukler, made history with their first Dayanus test. The Rabbis were tested by  HaRav Dovid Schochet, chief Rabbi of Toronto.

HaRav Schochet was very impressed with the students’ knowledge and thorough understanding of the material, noting that the Rabbis have truly mastered Hilchos Dayanim. The test lasted most of the day, as students were drilled on their knowledge of Halacha.

The program curriculum includes Kiddushin, Yuchsin, Mikvaos, a good portion of Choshen Mishpat, and contemporary issues in Halacha. Regular shiurim, geared to apply the material to real-life situations, are delivered by prominent Rabbanim and Dayanim.


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  • Ad Amirer

    I believe Rabbi Shochet is the chief Chabad Rabbi of Toronto, but not the chief Rabbi of the city.
    Pls check it out before you post it next time.
    He is a brilliant Rov & Talmid Chochem, but I don’t think he holds the post of Chief Rabbi of Toronto!