60,000 at Simchas Beis Hashoeva in Kfar Chabad
A crowd of nearly 60,000 people showed up in Kfar Chabad for the Simchas Beis Hashoeva, featuring top Chassidic singers, Yaacov Shwekey, Lippe Shmeltzer, Shlomo Cohen and Yossi Berger who were accompanied by the orchestra of Amiran Dvir. “We expected a crowd half the size but in fact we had 60,000”, said Rabbi Schneur Fleishman producer of the event.
More pictures in the Extended Article!
amazing i wish i was there!!
i wish i was there it looked so much fun
shwekey rox
AmaZing is all i cud say! i wish i was there looks like it was awsome ….i wish they did such things in brookly!
well GO SHWEKEY!!!!
u did it agan another amazing comcert!