Tefilos in the Rebbe’s House in Honor of Vov Tishrei
Photo by Eli Kahan for COL.org.il
On honor of the 6th of Tishrei, the yohrtziet of Rebbetzin Chana the Mother of the Rebbe, the Rebbe’s house on President Street was open for Davening. This was made possible by the efforts of the ‘Vaad Talmidai Hatmimim Haolami’ for the benefit of the Bochurim and visitors to Crown Heights. Shacharis was at 9:30 and the Chazzan was R. Chaim Shaul Brook.
More pictures in the Extended Article.

It is truly heartwarming, uplifting and inspiring to see anoshim, noshim v’taf earnestly and with dedication to the Aibershter, the Torah, the Rebbe and Rebbetzin, doing "what is right".Thank you Webby for pictures covering Kaporos, erev Yom Kippur (whether the bochur is laughing or not), Vov Tishrei etc. There is no room for machloikes among people who are devoted to serving the Aibershter with true love. Rebbe…have nachas from your kinderlach!!! R’uh bonai shegidalti!!B"H. All those pictured on this sight, and those also doing "what’s right", but are not pictured, keep up the wonderful job of inspiring others around you.You may not even reaqlize that there are those who are watching you and are taking it all in. This will truly speed Moshiach’s coming…NOW!!!