Tzeirei HaShluchim Tested in Mivtza Torah Program
TZFAT — Gemara Pesachim was the topic of discussion when Rosh Pina’s Chief Rabbi and Shliach, Rabbi Avraham Dovidovich, visited Yeshivas Tzeirei HaShluchim for the latest round of student testing.
After discussing tens of pages of Pesachim and examining a group of the yeshiva’s outstanding students baal peh, the Rav took a personal interest in each student, inquiring about each student’s shlichus back home at locations around the world.
“These young shluchim are a source of nachas to the Rebbe, their parents, and the yeshiva’s staff with their strong, solid knowledge and command of the Gemara,” said Dovidovich, a reknowned talmid chocham and an experienced and sought out dayan on issues of conversion.
The bi-monthly tests with visiting Israeli Rabbanim are part of the yeshiva’s successful Mivtza Torah program, which is scheduled to culminate with a year-end visit by Israel’s Chief Sefardi Rabbi, Sholmo Amar, and a baal peh examination on the entire masechta.
In fact, the great success of the program has prompted the yeshiva to launch a parallel program in Chassidus. With an eye toward the success and wholesome development of the students, the yeshiva’s mashpia, Rabbi Menachem Zilberstrom, recommended they learn Sefer Ma’amarim Winter – 5738 [1978]. Several students have already jumped at the opportunity and made it through the first four ma’amarim.
Menahel of the yeshiva and Tzfat’s Head Shliach, Rabbi Chaim Kaplan, is administering the first round of examinations and some students have already been tested. “It’s a pleasure to see the enjoyment the bochurim have in taking from some of their free time to learn the material,” he said. “What they learned they knew well.”
The second wave of Chassidus testing will be done by Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak Ofen, who agreed to visit the yeshiva and test the students.
“It’s rewarding to see the bochurim getting into the mivtzah, getting excited about Chassidus and Nigleh, and reaching a level where they enjoy their studies and are dedicated to learning,” said Menahel Ruchni, Rabbi Shlomo Azeraf.

a admirar
wowow tzeray keep it up!!!