Rabbi Perl Celebrates Birthday at Cheder at the Ohel

Sharing his own birthday with the boys from Cheder at the Ohel, Rabbi Anchelle Perl, Shaliach from Mineola Long Island came to farbreng in honor of Moshe Rabbanu’s birthday and Yartziet.

Rabbi Perl, connected the meseirus nefesh of Moshe Rabbanu to the mesirus nefeh of the the Chabad leaders throughout the generations. He told the children of the last mamer that the Rebbe gave, V’ata Tzaveh.

The Rebbe based this mamer on one the Frediker Rebbe gave in 1927. The Frediker Rebbe spoke with much meserius nefesh, telling the chassidum in a loud voice and without fear that they should not be afraid.

Each Jew must bring to the forefront the Emmuna they innately have inside of them self. The Rebbe reiterated this during his last mamer, telling us all to be strong against the odds. Imploring us to have the meseirus nefesh we need in our times.

In that vein, Rabbi Perl pointed out how fortunate the boys are to be learning in the Rebbe’s mosad. How fortunate they are to be able to learn openly. The same class in the Frediker Rebbe’s time would have taken place secretly, in a dark basement and in fear of the government.

Rabbi Perl spoke to the boys of his own experiences as a yeshivah bocher. He gave over how amazing it was to learn Tanya in an old count’s mansion, that had a circular staircase which lead to the room where they would learn.

Rabbi Perl gave over a lesson that he learned the first time he had yechidus with the Rebbe. He had written his name on one line of the pon and on the next line, ben and his mother’s name. The Rebbe, before even addressing Rabbi Perl, took his pen and made an arrow connecting his mother’s name and his name. Rabbi Perl understood from this that ones full name should always be written on the same line. That your name and your mother’s name are connected.

The boys enjoyed the program and of course the nosh that came with it. They appreciated hearing the wisdom and stories of Rabbi Anchelle Perl.


  • Cheder Parent

    My sons will definitely remember to always write their full Jewish name on one line. My sons also said that Rabbi Perl told them that when they say Shalom to another Jew they are giving them a bracha like the bracha of a kohan. Thank you Rabbi Perl!

  • SK

    Rabbi Perl’s story about the Rebbe and the importance of putting B.H. on postcards had a great impact & my children will always remember that!