The Will of Reb Volf Greenglass OBM

Photo: Mordechai Lightstone.

The family of legendary Mashpia Rabbi Volf Greenglass OBM has sent parts of his will that he requested be made public.

Family members of the legendary Mashpia Rabbi Menachem Zev Greenglass, who passed away last week at the age of 94, has asked to make public a few points from his Tzava’ah.

Reb Volf, as he liked to be humbly called, served as a mentor and teacher to thousands of bochurim during his 60 years of work at Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch in Montreal, Canada.

His family told that it was their obligation to notify the public that “our father, the crown of our family” wrote in his will several things, and amongst them he requested:

1. “I ask of all my friends that sometimes I hurt them with a sharp word or a joke, as it is known to be my nature… to please forgive me, and they will certainly all forgive me.”

2. “Announce that if I owe anybody money” notify the family and it shall be repaid promptly.

3. That all his students should learn mishnayos for him throughout the year of his passing.

He passed away on 22 Teves 5771.

The family suggested that it would be appropriate to learn in his memory a mamar or some chapters of Tanya or Mishnayos by-heart as he would frequently demand of all the bochurim – tmimim in Yeshivos.

They asked to be notified about undertakings in his memory at in order to publicize it and encourage others to follow suit.

A memorial website