Lubavitch Represented at Pro-Israel Conference

Ft Lauderdale Florida was a backdrop to an impressive demonstration of Jewish pride and continuity at the Israel conference at the Renaissance Hotel.

Rebbitzen Rochel Holzkenner, of Chabad of Las Olas, spoke of the Rebbe’s message on being a positive influence on people worldwide and making a Kiddush Hashem. And the way to merit to true peace is by doing acts of goodness and kindness.

At the Conference Lt Col and US Congressman Elect Allan West met with Elchonon Helinger. Elchonon Hellinger congratulated Congressman West on his recent win, thanking him for his unbending support for Eretz Yisrael. Elchonon discussed with Congressman West the Rebbe’s position on Eretz Yisrael, that there should be no territorial concessions and even peace talks put Jewish life’s at risk.

Congressman West agreed with the Rebbe’s words, and reaffirmed his commitment to ensuring Jewish property growth while opposing any peace that puts Jewish life’s at risk.

While discussing Congressman West’s pre election visit, they spoke of Chevron, city of the forefather’s, the Lubavitch history and property in Chevron, and how the Chevron Community is rejuvenating with life, growth and nostalgia. Many of the historic buildings in Chevron have seen major exterior renovations. Many of the apartment buildings and homes have also had face lifts. This has restored much of the original beauty and prestige to the city of our forefathers

On the topic of Mearat Hamachpela and Arab and International opposition to the Jewish sovereign of the site, the idea was conceived to start the Project to erect Historical and Informational Boards outlaying the Jewish history and ownership of Mearat Hamachpela from creation till now complete with State of the Art Technology to educate the estimated Three Hundred Thousand yearly visitors.

Sitting some 20 miles south of Jerusalem, Jewish history is everywhere in evidence on this parched, rocky swath 3,000 feet above sea level, or at least in the scant three percent of it that Jews are permitted to live.

With the rest of the area made up of Arab villages and towns, today the visitors that visit Chevron, have no idea about Chevron and its roots in the psyche of the Jewish people from Abraham’s footsteps through today’s headlines.

Mark Cohen of Miami Florida says “this project is very important it is about standing firm against the tide and being proud to be Jewish, because of our heritage, our roots”.

The Project is in Partner the Chevron Jewish Community spokesman Noam Arnon.

For more information please Contact Elchonon Hellinger at

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