Chinuch Office Moves to New and Expanded Offices

The Merkos Chinuch Office made its move to a new office suite at Lubavitch Headquarters 784 Eastern Parkway Suite 304.

The new office will facilitate the expanding work of the Chinuch Office and its close proximity to the central Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch office will promote a greater of cross pollination of ideas and efforts with other Merkos branches.

Phone numbers will remain unchanged so that there will be no interruption of service to the more that 300 educational institutions in the Chabad Lubavitch educational network.

Rabbi Nochem Kaplan, national director of the Chinuch Office also announced that the facility has been designed to accommodate the executive needs of school heads when they visit New York.

The offices were refurbished through the generosity of a well known Chabad patron Mr. Yossi Popack.


  • a Fan

    way to go rabbi kaplan !!!
    Yirbu kamochem bechabad
    (i hope UPS knows you used their boxes : )

  • Ruvi New

    Wow realy great news!!!!!!!!

    Wow Rabi Kaplan always keeps low key and quiet and always humble i am so surprised he let them snap a pic….

  • amazing. things are happening


    what is in all the boxes. how many files do u need. it should all be on hard drive and availble to all teachers free of chrge.
    its time to help to falling children of our comunity didint hear about anu\yhting yet