Rebbetzin Chana’s Daughters
With the founding of MACHON CHANA in Elul 5732, the Rebbe introduced the concept of a Yeshiva for women. The vision he clearly outlined was for it to be the Yale, or Barnard, lehavdil, for any Jewish women seeking Jewish education.
The Chabad community welcomed this mossad, upon which the Rebbe bestowed his beloved mother’s name, with great excitement, and displayed the befitting honor and pride. The best educators volunteered their services and the entire community participated financially in the purchase of the building. The Rebbe placed the mossad directly under mazkirus who underwrote the finances for the first year.
From the surprise farbrengen on Tu Bshvat 5754, honoring the purchase of the home, which was followed by a visit, to the Friday night visit to ensure that the doors were locked-it is evident that the Rebbe had a unique connection to this mossad. The Rebbe inspected the furniture when it arrived-and asked “where are the mirrors and radios?” and was disappointed that the dining room chandelier wasn’t fancier. The words “yetz gei ich a heim,” and “a dank far hadeven meine techter.” Express the Rebbe’s greatest love.
With the creation of Machon Chana the Rebbe has not only reinstated the importance of the education of women-the anchor of the home and bearers of the torch of Judaism- but has legitimized baalei tshuvah and added pride, spiritual stature and academic status to this title. In ensuing years, many organizations have followed the Rebbe’s example and baal tshuvah outreach and yeshivos have become the “in thing” and are sprouting around the world.
Today, Vov Tishrei marks 36 years since the famous dinner that was held at the Rebbe’s instruction to commemorate Rebbetzin Chana’s yahrzeit, tell the world about the mossad established in her memory and rally support to purchase the dormitory that would serve as a home for the women who would come to study there.
The mossad continues to flourish, boasting close to 20,000 alumnae who have changed the world and landscape of Lubavitch. Many are shluchos and running mosdos throughout the world, in addition to having established beautiful chassidishe homes, and their children have doubled the attendance in yeshivos throughout the globe.
This year, celebrate Vov Tishrei by helping this mosad that the Rebbe held so close to his heart. Remember a loved one, and support our school, by buying a plaque on our Rebbetzin Chana Donor Wall. Visit our website www.machonchana.org, or call us on (718) 735 0030 ext 106, to find out more.

It is really a place where girls are given the tools to become true chassidisha akeres h’bies. The teachers are amazing and the women who come through there are truly inspirational. We should all be so thankful to be blessed with such a mosid in our midst and continue to provide so that it may continue to flourish.