Close to 80 Shluchim and Shluchos participated in a two day conference that helped mark the unique success that Chabad Shluchim have had with The Friendship Circle. A phenomenal idea, a distinctive approach, why has it been impossible for other organizations to duplicate this unparalleled success of the Shluchim?
“What is so unique about pairing teen volunteers with special children?” many ask.
Two Day Friendship Circle Kinus Marks a Unique Approach
Close to 80 Shluchim and Shluchos participated in a two day conference that helped mark the unique success that Chabad Shluchim have had with The Friendship Circle. A phenomenal idea, a distinctive approach, why has it been impossible for other organizations to duplicate this unparalleled success of the Shluchim?
“What is so unique about pairing teen volunteers with special children?” many ask.
Behashgacha protis, we find ourselves in the week of Parshas Chukas-Balak where Moshe was commanded to raise a copper snake, in the midst of the Jewish people, to stop a devastating plague. As the Alter Rebbe explains, that copper snake served as a reminder that everything in this world originates from Above and is truly good, regardless of how it’s perceived below. It is however, our job to refine ourselves and reveal that good so we can visualize that ultimate good in everything we encounter. When we accomplish that task, the reality we perceive in this world begins to reflect the reality as shown from Above, which is entirely good.
The Friendship Circle has capitalized on an approach that until now has gone unnoticed. The Friendship Circle’s success stems from the fact that it is run by the Rebbe’s Shluchim, who unknowingly have raised a copper snake in the midst of what many consider, a plagued society. By the very fact that they have adopted the special needs community, they have revealed the preciousness of each child and individual, as viewed from Above. Guided by the Rebbe’s teachings, Shluchim have recognized the neshama, that nothing in this world is created in vain, and that everyone has a role to play in our mission of building a dirah batachtonim.
For this reason, many Shluchim are experiencing remarkable success with their teen volunteers, and are able to attract the most popular teens, many of whom wouldn’t think of stepping into a traditional Chabad House, by the mere mention of The Friendship Circle and the ideology behind it.
By their actions, The Friendship Circle has sent a message to parents and families of special children proclaiming that the world is learning to appreciate spending time with their children and that they no longer have to feel embarrassed to participate in society because of the insensitivities that are abound.
Kinus presenters included: Mr. Lior Arussy, Mrs. Sheryl Arno, Rabbi Yisroel Deren, Mr. Michael Inzelbach, Rabbi Aryeh Kaltmann, Mr. Mark Katzenellenbogen, Mr. Jesse Mojica, Rabbi Shmuli Nachlas, Mr. Jack Nelson and Mr. Zev Rudolph.
The Kinus was organized by Friendship Circle International (A division of The Shluchim Office).

moshiachNOW!!! (girl)
gooooo mosh!!!
Mendy L. just chillin out…
your cousins!
go mushka weiss!!!
the topeh reb.
I C U Chanie & Mendy K.!
go mirella!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are proud of ya girly!!! cant wait to see ya!
Hi mirele!
go grossbaums. all of you!!!!!!!