(R-L) Benny Begin and Menachem Kirschenbaum
In a recent meeting between Likud co-chairman Benny Begin (Son of Israel's late Prime Minister Menachem Begin) and Menachem Kirschenbaum, the topic was regarding a file that was discovered with the help of Tel Aviv University containing correspondences between his father and the Rebbe was discussed. The file offered a rare glimpse into their unique and extraordinary relationship and was presented to the Menachem Begin Heritage Foundation and will be published by The Avner Institute.
Menachem Begin’s Extraordinary Relationship with the Rebbe
(R-L) Benny Begin and Menachem Kirschenbaum
In a recent meeting between Likud co-chairman Benny Begin (Son of Israel’s late Prime Minister Menachem Begin) and Menachem Kirschenbaum, the topic was regarding a file that was discovered with the help of Tel Aviv University containing correspondences between his father and the Rebbe was discussed. The file offered a rare glimpse into their unique and extraordinary relationship and was presented to the Menachem Begin Heritage Foundation and will be published by The Avner Institute.
Daniel Bortz
Levana Kirschenbaum
You are really going places! And is it any wonder? The Rebbe Z”LB by the way he lived proved a great point, of which you are a glowing example: He took Judaism and established it all over the world against all odds and in history’s darkest period, and connected Jews from all over the world, without ever leaving his office, where he did wonders. All the good work is in your heart and in your good actions, the rest is, as we can plainly see every day, is hardly more than wheel-spinning.
Keep up the good work!