Live Blog: Kinus Hashluchos 5772 Updates – ENDED

Live updates of the International Kinus Hashlucos, taking place now at the New York Hilton in Midtown Manhattan.

The evening began with a beautiful performance by a choir of young Shluchos. The accompanying music ensemble was conducted by Mirele Rosenberg from Crown Heights.

The evening’s emcee, Mrs. Shterni Gruzman, called up Mrs. Brocha Shilat from Israel to recite the Kapital Tehilim of the Rebbetzin, and Mrs. Rivka Sharfstein from Cincinnati to recite the Kapital Tehilim of the Rebbe.

A brief video of the Rebbe was shown.

Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Chairman of Merkos, addressed the Kinus with a challenge to succeed in spite of challenges, and wishes for blessings and abundance for all the Shluchos’ needs, both spiritual and material.

Mrs. Ilana Skolnik, a former beauty pageant contestant of white and African ancestry, told her inspiring life story: from the challenges of pre-civil rights life in South Africa, to her conversion to Judaism and subsequent Shlichus in Tel Aviv.

The gathered Shluchos said L’chaim on the Rebbe’s Kos Shel Brocha wine.

A video presentation, produced by Jewish Educational Media, described in great detail the life of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, from pre-WWI eastern Europe, to the reborn Lubaivtch Community in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.

Dinner is served.

Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, the Rebbe’s personal secretary, adrresed the convention.

He began by thanking Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky and Rabbi Lipa Brennen for their help in putting together the Kinus. He also thanked the gathered Shluchos for all the work they do on behalf of Klal Yisroel.

Rabbi Krinsky spoke about the importance of the Shlucha as the Akeres Habayis, and how any success on their Shlichus is brought about through her dedication.

The keynote speaker of the evening, Mrs. Fruma Schapiro from Sydney, Australia, addressed the convention.

Roll Call: Shluchos from every region of the globe are recognized and applauded.