Hatzalah Car Wrecked by New Eastern Parkway Island
While responding to an emergency call last night, a Hatzalah volunteer’s vehicle struck the new pedestrian island installed at the intersection of Eastern Parkway and Kingston Ave. by the NYC Dept. of Transportation, completely destroying the brand new vehicle.
The incident occurred at around 8:00pm. The volunteer, who had purchased the vehicle merely one week prior, was turning from Eastern Parkway onto Kingston Ave., where he did not notice the newly-installed island.
The underside of vehicle was completely destroyed by the impact.
Since they were installed, the new islands have caused several similar accidents due to drivers’ lack of awareness that they are there.
Area residents have been complaining for a while that there are no signs or barriers on the island, rendering them almost invisible to drivers and giving a false sense of security to pedestrians standing on them.
Their letters and phone calls have so far been ignored by the DOT.
whats the purpose
why did they put them there? they did the same on empire and then took them off what a waste of money
Go ahead, blame an inanimate object… I’d love to see the insurance claim for this one.
Izzy Dov
Um, I’m certainly happy that there’s no mention of injury, but I do have to say that the Island certainly seems visible to me!
also during a snow storm i have seen plows hit them and then get damaged and cause crashes, but this isnt suprising given the progressive zero vision of the communist in charge.
The first of Many
just wait for the snow!!!
noone will see it and it will be a big mistake
it was actually Brooklyn Ave. and he wasn’t turning he was overtaking traffic.
out of pocket
So who will pay for a new car? DOT, Hatzalah (official biz) or the owner?
Never mind that emergency vehicles nor lost the center lane.
On in CH with a vadd hakall that we have can the city get away with dumping on us.
In boro park they had these dividers dismantled.
Zalmy Schapiro
I have a question is the driver hurt ?
Why oh why
Why did they put these stupid islands?? Especially on EP??
Its pathetic that this is happening in CH. There is absolutely NO reason for them to put this up! If they are looking to wast money, I’m sure there are plenty of other projects to do.
I live in Eastern Parkway he is not the first and I don’t think he’s going to be the last until someone puts some cone or some reflecting light
We need Obama
Or at least Kerry. This needs their attention
Actually I think the United Nations should get involved
Bright color
It would be very helpful if they paint it a bright color or put something higher on it so you can see it better.
Cars have airbags, pedestrians have Islands.
I agree that it needs better marking, there is room for some more trees there.
Israel Lazar
this happened to me about 5:15 in the morning on Eastern Parkway and Brooklyn
the island was completely invisible in the dark and the lights of the oncoming traffic
There are no signs or hazard paint to alert the driver . I had both left tires blow out when i hit the island and the rim was damaged otherwise no other damage. If anyone was affected similarly and is willing to file a class action suit against the city I will stand with you.
Why is there no yellow reflector paint on the island as they have in many countries such as Israel, Canada, across Europe?