MIRACLE: Bochur Miraculously Walks Away from Scary Crash
A Jewish teenager is lucky to be alive after he was struck by a pickup truck while attempting to cross Empire Boulevard. The force of the collision sent him flying over 10 feet. The entire incident was captured on surveillance video.
The crash occurred at around 4:50pm at the intersection of Empire Boulevard and Albany Avenue.
Witnesses said that they saw two people attempting to cross the street when a pickup truck came over the hill and struck one of them, launching him some 10 feet into the middle of the intersection.
Surveillance video from Stan’s Dry Cleaners revealed just how lucky the victim is. Walking with his brother, the victim attempted to cross Empire against a red light and did not notice the traffic coming from the other side. He successfully crossed half of Empire only to be struck by the pickup truck, his brother was nearly struck as well.
Hatzalah was called and responded within mere moments, treating the victim for an injury he sustained to his leg. He was then transported to Kings County Hospital for further treatment.
Refuah Sh'laimah!
I wish them both a refuah sh’laimah, speedily.
Having said that, I hope their parents see this video and have a very long talk with both of them on how stupid and lucky they both are!
So unbelievable!
How do you cross a busy intersection against the light? It’s hard enough to cross WITH the light! They are SOOO lucky they walked away from this- it could have been horrific!
Doesn’t ANYONE in CH know how to cross on a light????!!!!
Sarah Nemon
When pedestrians gonna learn how to cross the street on GREEN LIGHT we not gonna have this news, which is horrible. I feel bad for this bochur parents.
What I’m about to write is not politically correct, but needs to be said.
After watching this video (again and again), I feel more bad for the driver, then for the Bochurim.
That said, I wish them both a Refuah Sh’laimah, speedily.
So unbelievable!
yep, and yep!
Dangerous Corner
Very difficult to see cars coming up the hill from the direction of empire and troy… but these guys look like they crossed when it wasn’t their right of way
boruch Hashem in the rebbes shchunah these stories usually have happy endings.
The bochur is really lucky.
He was 100% wrong, I wish him a speedy recovery.
What comments...
Calling him stupid. He made a mistake, a big mistake and there’s a lesson, a big lesson to be learned. But what’s the need to call him stupid? Who here knows him and knows if he’s stupid or not? And if he is stupid, what’s the purpose of saying it.
To me he made a mistake, a very big mistake that would be very stupid for me to make. But I don’t think he is stupid at all.
If this is how people write comments, then I think there’s a big lesson to be learned from this as well. How do we talk to our loved ones at home?
if you cross against the light with busy on coming traffic you put your life in your hands. I am glad he is ok B”H but he was a moron
Brick wall
If THIS dosen’t teach him a street crossing lesson then his head is like a brick wall.
Who said it won’t teach him a lesson? Don’t be so quick to assume.
As a Californian, every time I visit CH I’m blown away at how no one respects traffic laws. I feel worse for the driver than for him. The poor guy must have been such a mess. Had the bachur god forbid been killed, that poor guy would have issues for life. Moral of the story: follow traffic laws you fools!
i agree with comment # 8
and the drivers insurance is responsible to pay the medical expenses for the bochers stupidity that’s a on justified low and there goes the innocent drivers insurance increase
people dont know how to cross the street today, either they are on their cell phone talking and not paying attention or they are crossing against the light, I see it all the time when i drive around here. I am glad he is alright but now the other guys insurance is going to go up
Driver also at fault
When turning you are supposed to slow down a little in case of something like this happening – it’s the law
It doesn’t look at all like he was turning. He was going straight and he had the right-of-way. He is definitely not at fault!
A teaching moment for my children
I showed this video to my children to show them how important not crossing the road on green and how dangerous it can be when trying to race with a car to cross the street.
straight in the oncoming traffic
idiot and lucky that it wasnt any worse
Obstructed View
You can’t see the cars coming over that hill.
Do you have any idea how many times I see mothers with babies in carriages waiting in the street on Empire Blvd and other dangerous intersections… Waiting for the light to turn green as cars are still coming? Because they think the cars see them(?) It makes me cringe.