A frightening, but boruch Hashem non-serious, accident occurred this afternoon in the heart of Crown Heights during the hectic hours of Shabbos shopping. A flat-bed truck driving up Kingston Ave. made a left turn onto Crown St., without noticing that a vehicle was being crushed on his left side as he did so.

Bustling Erev Shabbos Marred by Accident

A frightening, but boruch Hashem non-serious, accident occurred this afternoon in the heart of Crown Heights during the hectic hours of Shabbos shopping. A flat-bed truck driving up Kingston Ave. made a left turn onto Crown St., without noticing that a vehicle was being crushed on his left side as he did so.

The car had a young child inside, and the accident prompted a serious and timely response from the Fire Department, police and EMS.

Thankfully, there were no injuries.


  • Anonymous

    Wasn’t a young woman on a bicycle killed by a flat- bed truck in Crown Heights a few months ago?

  • DeClasse- Intellectual

    Too many cars, not enough room and the common trait in all New Yorkers–lack of patience and have to be there yesterday.

  • v-nishmartem al nafshoseichem

    That is why Double parking is illegal. It’s for your own safety. It’s about time new yorkers learnt the rules of the road, drivers and pedestrians alike. No double parking, waiting for pedestrians to cross the road, using your mirrors, checking your blind spot, crossing at the crosswalk when you have the green signal (not darting across the street), looking both ways before you cross. The list goes on and on. There is a reason why these rules are in place. And while where at it, if your walking with your kids, pay attention, don’t be obsessed with your cellphone or use your stroller to check if cars are coming down the street.

  • Moishe

    are 4& 5 serious? that was my car, my wife was not double parked she was making a left turn as the surveillance video shows & my child was not left alone he was in the back seat while my wife was side swiped TWICE by an agressive pickup truck driver. its Elul, you should try & be a little more thoughtful before you post whatever pops into your head.

  • v-nishmartem al nafshoseichem

    Sorry if you took it as implying that your wife was double parked. I just thought it was a good time to bring a point (never intending it to refer to this specific case). I’m not from CH and am appalled by the lack of safety from pedestrians and drivers alike. CH is a community full of jews and I would hate to hear in the news that a jew died or got seriously injured by the hands of another jew. He would never be able to live with himself. Again sorry if you took it to refer directly to this story.