Hit & Run Driver Leaves Clue at the Crash Scene
At around noon today, the driver of a Mercury sedan collided with a Nissan SUV at the intersection of Crown St. and Troy Ave. in Crown Heights.
The Mercury driver fled the scene, ostensibly unaware that his front bumper – with the license plate still attached to it – fell off his car due to the collision and was left behind at the scene.
Police arrived at the scene and immediately retrieved the piece of evidence, then set about finding the hit & run driver who so graciously left it behind.
too funny
lol lol can they get any dumber?
He he run he could of stole that car might not even been his
Reb Levi
when he gets caught, he can -plea “insanity”
par 4 the course
…or he could plead NY driver training.
Pity he didn’t drop his ID too!
I saw a police car on crown and troy today with its trunk open. I found that interesting until I saw a bumper attached with caution tape to the trunk. Now it all makes sensd.
Happened to me 20 years ago in Boro Park. I couldn’t figure out what kind of idiot parked halfway on the sidewalk – until I got closer and saw it was MY car – totalled! But the moron had left his license plate in the street! When the police found him he denied it, which was ridiculous. Best evidence!
was there
The driver who left his bumber appartantly ran the light, hit the black car which then slid on it’s side, deploying the airbags. Hatzolah, the NYPD and FDNY were immediatly at the scene and freed the driver who has only minor injuries. I wouldn’t be surprised if the hit and run driver reported his car stolen after the accident to avoid being charged with leaving the scene. This accident proves that airbags actually work. If the fleeing driver had run the light at the new speed limit of 25mph the back car would not have neen totaled.
no 1
can cops identify lisensplate
Looking for witnesses
If anyone witnessed the accident, or has any information please contact me at crownandtroy@gmail.com
Anybody need a front bumper for a ’96 Mercury Sable? It comes complete with a license plate!