Student Struck While Crossing Eastern Parkway
A seventh grade student of Oholei Torah was struck by a car yesterday evening while crossing Eastern Parkway’s service lane after dismissal.
The incident occurred Wednesday a little after 5:00pm.
One of the school’s teachers witnessed the accident and immediately called Hatzalah.
The car remained at the scene.
The boy was treated at the scene by Hatzalah. Thankfully, he only suffered a minor injury to his leg.
Hatzalah then transported him to Kings County Hospital for further precautionary checkups.
i pass that corner every day.
the crossing guards are useless, they don’t CROSS the kids.
they should be walking to the crosswalk and stopping cars and directing kids.
all they do is stand on the island and occasionally blow their whistles when there is oncoming traffic
The crossing gourds are not useless. the kids just don’t listen!
boy from the hood
post # 1
yr so right , the anti white and anti jew comes in so
many ways . and also in a subtle way . like slow moving doing the min work when evolved jews or whites .
its discrimination ….. but not the way the blacks see it …
they think the word was invented for them
well let me tell you if you look deep
there is more raciest blacks then raciest Jews
Same in Boro Park
Crossing guard raises her hand at a hasid and tells him to stop, because he is crossing against the light. He justs ignores her. So, what do you expect his kids to do when they are told the same thing?
Actually the crossguards could be good not just for kids but for all ages in my opinion.Should be on at least every major corner,
there was no crossing gurad at the time :(
Crossing guard
I fail to understand how a parent or teacher can cross by red, infront of students, while crossing guard is asking students to wait. ( many times observed in the morning infront of bais rivkah)
What message are we giving to out kids??
nu nu
um…actually this corner is EP and Kingston. there is no crossing guard! The crossing guards are on EP & Brooklyn.
To #4
R u seriously suggesting that people IGNORE the crossing guard???!! How is that even possible without running him/her over!!! Stop making things up and get ur facts straight. There was no crossing guard at that location at that time!!
crossing guards leave 4:15
OT 8th grader
if so is the case the how come when eighth grade comes every morning 7:30 and after leaving 6:00 there should be crossing guards? more then once have I witnessed boys crossing in middle of the street and I think that since they see other bochurim from 749 crossing in middle so they wont bother! but if there was a crossing guard that would not just stand there and just stare at the street and then wake up to find out that the light already turned green and the numbers are starting to go from 3…2… then she blowes her whistle at the boy running to make the light and not be late to school (and that’s usually the case every morning by me too) the boy just ignores her and keeps running but that’s only if there is a crossing guard but at these most important hours there are no so this what happens!
so please be considerate and watch where your going and we must do something to help!
You don't know
To 9:
Let me be more specific, otherwise, I can’t believe that you are serious! This was in front of a public school (yes, there are PS’s in Boro Park, believe it or not) at dismissal time. Of course you have crossing guards there! I was waiting at the intersection, a few feet from the guard. Across the street, a chassidishe man proceeded to WALK (you know, on his feet) across, against the light. She raise her hand and told him to stop. He just continued on as if she was not there.
To # 8
This story happened on EP & Brooklyn.