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The Weekly Voice is an exciting new feature on Each Webisode is part of a weekly series of interviews with Lubavitchers from around the globe.
And for our very first Webisode, we bring you Rabbi Hirshel Shifrin and Rabbi Levi Zarchi of Shifrin and Zarchi Quality Esrogim located on Kingston Avenue in Crown Heights. In this interview conducted during the days leading up to Sukkos, the rabbis speak about what makes an esrog kosher and what qualities do we look for in an esrog.
New Feature! The Weekly Voice – An Interview Series
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The Weekly Voice is an exciting new feature on Each Webisode is part of a weekly series of interviews with Lubavitchers from around the globe.
And for our very first Webisode, we bring you Rabbi Hirshel Shifrin and Rabbi Levi Zarchi of Shifrin and Zarchi Quality Esrogim located on Kingston Avenue in Crown Heights. In this interview conducted during the days leading up to Sukkos, the rabbis speak about what makes an esrog kosher and what qualities do we look for in an esrog.
Contact us if you would like to nominate someone for an upcoming interview:
Very Informative. Much Appreciated
chi fan
very nice i really enjoyed this!
very nice zeidy
from florida
good stuff , keep them coming.
Thank you very much for this shiur on Esrogim. It realy gave me a quick lesson which i never got in yeshiva
(Not Required)
It shuold be on the commercial & advertising section…