Civic Pulse: City of Yes – Basement Apartments, Development, and Displacement

This week, Rabbi Behrman spoke with Dan Garodnick, Chair of the City Planning Commission about the “City of Yes” zoning text amendment and its impact on New York. They discuss how these changes could legalize basement apartments and accessory dwellings, how the reforms might shape neighborhood development, and the potential for creating affordable housing while addressing the underlying causes of displacement.


  • Jay Sorid

    Most of the Shcuna is R6 & R7 zoning, which is zoning for apartment buildings, even though the property may be improved now by a two or three story house. City of Yes upzoning will increase house prices because investors can now build two or three floors higher. and will therefore pay more. Families in the Shchuna will be priced out. Increased density will mean less available street parking.

    • G.Singh

      The rich will get riche. And the poor poorer. What else is new. Who do you think elected Adams. The Landlords and the contractors

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