Spontaneous Hiloula for Rabbi Yitzchok Abuhatzeira celebrated in Crown Heights
The Hiloula for Rabbi Yitzchok Abuhatzeira זצוק”ל זי”ע, was held this past Tuesday night, eve of 14 Shvat, at the home of Noam Armani in Crown Heights.
The Hiloulot of Rabbi Yaacov Abuhatzeira- the Abir Yaacov (20 Tevet), his grandson Rabbi Yisroel Abuhatzeira (4 Shevat), and then of Rabbi Yitzchok Abuhatzeira – son of Rabbi Yaacov and uncle of the Baba Sali (14 Shevat), are normally hosted by Rabbi Lazer Avtzon of the Merkaz Sefarad Shul in Crown Heights in partnership with the Zaetz and Lipsker families, descendants of Rabbi Yaacov and the Baba Sali.
Tuesday morning, Reb Noam Armani called Rabbi Avtzon asking whether Merkaz Sefarad was hosting the Hiloula for Rabbi Yitzchok as in past years, and when he was told that it wasn’t possible this year, he asked whether he could host it in his home and that he would very much appreciate Rabbi Avtzon comes and speaks.
Rabbi Avtzon promised to come and said he would also bring a guest soeaker, along some Piyutim booklets and the special Arak blessed by Rabbi Yitzchoks kever in Toulane, Morocco.
Rabbi Yaacov Nimni and Rabbi Avtzon, as well as Rabbi Menachem Gerlitsky, and numerous Bachurim came to the Hiloula. Rabbis Nimni and Avtzon spoke on the special connections and relationship between the Abuhatzeira family and the Rebbe. They spoke how Rabbi Yitzchok received his name through a dream his father had from the Arizal Hakadosh who asked that the son who would be born to him will light up the world and should be named after him.
Piyutim composed by Rabbi Yitzchok, as well as other stories and Divrei Torah were sung and recounted.
The well known Segula of writing and placing a request on a bottle of Arak and opening it by the next Hiloula when the request is answered,was repeated with the new story of Agam whose parents wrote a letter last year and who was freed this past week.
To support the work of the Merkaz Sefarad, for the Shul to remain open, and to be able to continue hosting these Hiloulot, please make a generous donation at www.charidy.com/Merkazsefarad/RabbiAvtzon.