Yom Chadash – The Next Stage of Jewish Music With 24/6
24Six is proud to present a journey through the world of Jewish Music!
Music holds a special place in the heart of a Jew and in Jewish life. From the Shirah sung by the ים סוף to the שיר המעלות sung on the steps in the Bais Hamikdash, music is part of the fabric of Yiddishkeit. Today music plays a critical role in our davening, at our Shabbos tables, it enlivens our Simchos, and it is the tool that has direct access to our Neshamos.
24Six is proud to celebrate authentic Jewish music, on the only kosher Jewish music streaming platform in the world! 24Six brings you the most state of the art Smartphone app, on our website at www.24Six.app, our custom 100% kosher devices: the FamilyPlayer and Solo2, and now available also on Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, there is a way for everyone to listen to Jewish Music the right way.
Yom Chadash – a new stage for Jewish Music.
Yom Chadash takes you on a musical journey through all the unique parts of Klal Yisrael, blending them into a beautiful tapestry of Achdus and Unity. Yom Chadash was composed by Yitzy Waldner, and features English, Hebrew, and Yiddish sections, representing the full spectrum of Klal Yisrael. The song starts with Avraham Fried introducing us to the new stage of Jewish Music, followed by Yaakov Shwekey, Yitzy Waldner, Shloime Gertner, Shmueli Ungar, and Uri Davidi. A musical experience accompanies you on this journey led by Mendy Hershkowitz and the Mendy Hershkowitz Orchestra. The song crescendos into a musical trip down memory lane, which will surely bring you back to a special place in time. The lyrics were written by a team of Miriam Israeli, Motty Landau, Yitzy Waldner and 24Six.
We have this for our family. Worth every penny!!!