Sefardic Community on Crown Heights Holds Uplifting Selichos
After enjoying a light Melava Malka, forty five men and joined for a truly magical and uplifting Selichos this past Motzoei Shabbos at Merkaz Sefarad in Crown Heights
Sefardi Jews pray Selichot from Rosh Chodesh Elul until Yom Kippur, commemorating the 40 days Moshe Rabbeinu went up to Shamayim to beg forgiveness for Klal Yisroel.
Merkaz Sepharad Chabad, located at 556 Crown Street, hosts nightly Selichos at 12:50am.
Those wishing to pray morning Selichot are welcome to join at Ner Menachem, located at 560 Empire Blvd. (Shachrit @ 530 followed by Selichot @ 630 am daily).