Video of the Day

What to do, or not to do, if stopped by the police. This incident took place in Remsen Village Shabbos afternoon, with multiple police officers attempting to stop a white sedan which was being held up by traffic. Well, you can see the outcome.


  • AH

    Perhaps more to the point, what cops shouldn’t be doing (letting him get away from them). Keystone Kops was supposed to be a comedy, not a police training video.

  • More License Plate Readers Please

    Looks like the white vehicle was caught more than it was stopped because it started going in reverse when it saw the men in blue coming. Today’s political climate makes cops think twice about drawing their weapon because politicians will excuse the cops of not de-escalating the matter. The cops were looking for the car occupants for a reason, and it probably wasn’t for violating the Sabbath.