Surveillance Footage Shows Empire Blvd Manhole Explosions


Surveillance footage from local businesses show the moments leading up to the explosions that rocked Crown Heights as multiple manholes exploded on Empire Blvd.

As previously reported on, the FDNY closed the intersection of Brooklyn and Empire as the explosions began, evacuating 491, 493, 495, and 497 Empire Blvd as well as multiple buildings on Montgomery Street due to high levels of Carbon Monoxide.

One of the manholes were directly underneath a vehicle, leading to an explosion that caused a fire and extensive damage.


  • Meir

    The same thing happened recently at 1:15 in the morning on Union near Kingston. There was a huge explosion and fire. Baruch HaShem noone was walking by then, and B”H there was not a car there, even though most of the time there is usually a car parked in that spot. Con Edison has to figure out whats going on and fix it fast.