LIVE at 8:00PM: Annual Hiloula of the Baba Sali to be held in Crown Heights
The 39th Hiloula of the saintly Baba Sali, Rabbi Yisroel Abuhatzeira זצוק”ל, will take place tonight, Wednesday night, on the eve of 4 Shevat, the day of his Yahrzeit.
Merkaz Sefarad Chabad, under the leadership of Rabbi Lazer Avtzon and Rebetzin Dr. Sarah Avtzon, is once again partnering with Reb Hirschel Lipsker and his wife Annette (a granddaughter of the Baba Sali), and their children and grandchildren, to bring you this uplifting event.
Special guest speakers include; Rabbi Gad Bouskila of Cong. Netivot Israel in Flatbush and Rabbi Yirmi Levy of the Sephardic Congregation of Mill Basin, who will both share inspiring stories of the Baba Sali and words of Chizuk and Bracha.
Divrei Bracha from Rabbanit Torjeman, daughter of Baba Sali and mother of Mrs Lipsker and Mrs Zaetz will be broadcast.
Rabbi Netanel Saadoun who gives a daily Shiur of Daf Yomi in the Kollel of Netivot Yisroel, will be making a Siyum on Masechet Nedarim which is being completed this week.
Other guest speakers will talk about the great bond between the Rebbe and the Baba Sali.
Our very own talented Paiytanim; Adam Amsallem, Machlouf Krispine, Yossi Sultan, Yair Ellias and Dovid Attias, together with the Zaetz Brothers (great grandchildren of the Baba Sali) will serenade the evening with melodious Piyutim, accompanied by the famed Jawad the pianist.
A lavish traditional Moroccan Seudas Mitzvah by Mayer Kohen Caterers will further enhance the evening.
Traditional Moroccan attire is strongly suggested for those who have it but all are welcome to give honor to the great Tzadik who was an inspiration to so many.
Date: Wednesday Jan 25
Time: 800 pm
Place: Main Simcha Hall ULY
570 Crown Street