Hiloula of Rabbi Yaacov Abuhatzeira Celebrated in Crown Heights With Annual Event
As in past years, Merkaz Sefarad once again partnered with the descendants and family of Rabbi Yaacov Abuhatzeira זצוק”ל זי”ע a.k.a. the Abir Yaacov, to celebrate his Yahrzeit which corresponds with the Hiloulot of the Rambam and Alter Rebbe.
20 Teves is the Hiloula of the Rambam and Rabbi Yaacov Abuhatzeira, while the Yahrzeit of the Alter Rebbe is 24 Teves.
The inspiring evening with special guest speakers, traditional Moroccan foods, and live music accompanied by excellent Paytanim took place.
The Hiloula was partially sponsored by Mrs. Chaya Zaetz, a grandaughter of the Baba Sali, and her family, and the Merkaz Sefarad.

Lazer Avtzon
The Hiloula of Baba Sali will take place Wednesday evening January 25th at 800 pm at Lubavitch Yeshiva