The Crown Heights Community Needs Help, CSSY Is Raising $360,000
Do you know what’s happening in your neighbor’s house? Do you know if your daughter’s classmate has food in her fridge? Do you know why your friend in shul hasn’t been around the last few weeks?
For too many in our community, these past few months have been a time of extreme challenges. Financially, people are struggling. The cost of basic food in the grocery is at an all-time high. Basic fruit and vegetables, never mind, chicken and meat are fast becoming out of reach for many hardworking families in our community.
Our youth are battling internal demons. The mental health crisis in our community is growing, and the cost of treating these issues is far beyond the reach of many.
Donate now at: www.CSSY.org
For over 45 years, families in Crown Heights know that they could turn to CSSY for support. For many, it’s to help cover the cost of their weekly food bills. While others need a boost during Tishrei and Pesach for additional financial assistance. But today, many turn to CSSY for help in other areas as well. Families turn to CSSY, and when they need help they know we are there for them.
But we cannot do it without you, our generous supporters.
It is your generosity that puts food in hundreds of homes around the neighborhood.
It’s your kindness that pays for a young teenage girl’s rehab.
You help a young father deal with his addictions and return home to his family as a new man.
It’s your support that pays for a funeral for a meis mitzvah in our community.
Every day, more and more turn to CSSY for help and support. We cannot say no to their pleas for help.
We wish we didn’t have to do this. But to help cover these additional growing costs, we are hosting our first ever fundraising campaign this Chanukah, with the goal of raising $360,000.
This money will go to cover the costs of those who need the assistance of CSSY these next few months until our Pesach fundraiser in Nissan.
Please give generously and help our Crown Heights Community.
Give because you care.
Give for your neighbors, friends and family who are counting on you!
Donate now at: www.CSSY.org