“Message of The Candles” A New Single From the New York Boys Choir
Jews everywhere dispel darkness for eight nights. During the long dark nights of winter, it feels like you can’t see very far. But the flickering menorah lights of Chanukah give us a message of hope, of future, of our very redemption.
New York Boys Choir, one of the freshest sounds on the Jewish music scene, under the guidance of renowned producer Yitzy Bald, and film producer Motty Berkowitz, join forces with Bonei Olam, the famed organization, that turns the hopes of childless couples, into reality, by providing them with all the resources necessary to make their dream come true.
The song, Message of the Candles, is an all new composition written by Yitzy Bald, for a specific project of Bonei Olam, that is a voice for the children of Oncofertility cancer fertility preservation division, awaiting funds to cover their treatment. Instead of focusing on the darkness of their cancer, they and their parents have focused on their future.
Cancer preservation is a necessity for a child who undergoes cancer treatment to have a future as a parent. As important as it is, most insurances do not cover the procedure which costs several thousand dollars. Bonei Olam has also seen over 100% increase in cases needing financial help this past year. This Chanukah, you can dispel some of their darkness and give them their future to hold on to, during the coming months of cancer treatment. We dedicate this song, and all donations it inspires, to them. May it be the light of healing and hope during very dark times.