Bochurim Return from Oholei Torah’s Yeshivas Kayitz Program

Baruch Hashem, Bochurim in the Mechina, Mesivta and Beis Medrash divisions of the Oholei Torah Yeshivas Kayitz Program in Lakewood, PA,  have arrived home, re-energized after a meaningful and successful summer.

The Bochurim had an amazing summer and excelled both Begashmies U’beruchnius, through special Mivtzaim, events, learning classes, Farbrengens, trips, activities, in-house entertainment and much more.

They came home with renewed strength to be successful in the coming Yeshiva year, inspired from their summer at YKP.

We would like to give a shout out and a big thank you to all those who made this year the success that it was, B”H:

The Oholei Torah Board of Directors, Rabbi Yossi Langsam and Rabbi Mendel Blau.

Our director Rabbi Yisroel Levertov, our assistant director Rabbi Meir Heber and the entire staff at the Yeshivas Kayitz Program.

Those involved with our Mechina – 8th grade Program, led by Rabbi Nissim Lagziel and head staff: Avremel Weingarten, Mendel Benjaminson and Mendel Bluming.

All who were involved in our Mesivta Program led by our camp Rabbi, Rabbi Moshe Silman, Menahel of Mesivta Oholei Torah, Rabbi Follie Dubov and Rabbi Eli Oster, as well as the Mesivta Program head staff: Zalman Heber, Dovid Gutnick, Mendel Schapiro and Mendel Teitelbaum. 

In its second year of the Beis Medrash Program, we would like to say thank you to Rabbi Shmully Klyne for having led this division together with Rabbi Lipman Heller, Rabbi Mendy Schneur, and Schneur Pewsner.

Last but not least, we would like to express our thanks to all of the Rabbis who came for staff training, to Farbreng with the Bochurim and spend Shabbos in Yeshivas Kayitz.

May we all go from strength to strength, have a year a year of Hatzlacha Begashmies U’beruchnius, and continue to give the Rebbe and our parents much nachas.

Best wishes to all for a K’siva V’chasima Tova.