ENDED: Summer Learning Program Farbrengens & Shiurim This Week
Bored in the long summer nights? Wife away in the summer? Come join the Summer Learning Program with nightly Shiurim by leading magidei shiurim!
At Mishkan Moshe Center, 580 Crown St.
Mincha 7:00pm | Self Learning 7:15 | Shiur 8:00 | Maariv 9:05 & 9:30
Delicious dinner will be served!
This week, Parshas Balak:
Monday Night – Yud Beis Tammuz:
Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz: Master Hilchos Shabbos – Semichas Chaver Program
Tuesday Night – Yud Gimmel Tammuz:
Rabbi Nosson Gurary: Farbrengen in honor of Yud Beis – Yud Gimmel Tammuz. Farbrengen starts at 7:15pm
Wednesday Night – Yud Daled Tammuz:
Harav Braun Mara D’asra of Crown Heights: Halachos of the three weeks
Live on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/IrgunTorah
Live on Zoom at IrgunTorah.org
לזכות לע”נ הבחור התמים שמואל בן יבדל”א ר’ אשר שיחי’ קרנובסקי
For sponsorship opportunities please call 646-489-5243
Find more shiurim and Torah podcasts at IrgunTorah.org