The Rov’s psak, You Must Get Involved And Sign The Petition

In a heartfelt plea, Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun turns to the community asking, demanding, and even Paskening that everyone fulfill their obligation – taking part in this critical moment.

Rabbi Braun conterasts our Nisayon with that of our Rabbeyim. They were moser nefesh [literally giving up their lives!] fighting for the purity of our children’s chinuch! “We are being required a simple act” the contribution of 30 seconds of time to sign the petition.


click: and sign the petition!


  • Mother

    It’s extremely ironic Rabbi Braun is advocating for the chinuch of our children when 3 years ago he, community “leaders”, and school administrators all looked the other way as hundreds of CH children were removed from their schools and Torah learning after NYS repealed the use of religious exemptions to vaccines for school attendance. When will they apologize to those children and their families?

  • Concerned Bubby

    Mesirus nefesh can additionally be a slight bit of extra connection over the Shabbos Licht, in Shema koleinu, etc. request for Hashem to send His love and healing to the yidden who suffered alienation within the system and got sadly involved in the misguided campaign to destroy, chas vshalom. Really we need the blessing of resources for all children to succeed within Yeshiva system. Moshiach now.