The Taste of Gefilte Fish And Moshiach
A taste of unique gefilte fish joins with the Taste of Moshiach at a special shiur taking place tonight, Thursday, in Crown Heights.
The shiur will be taking place at 8:30pm Beis Believer Yitzhak at 394 Kingston Ave, and will be given by Rabbi Mendel Krasnianski.
Following the shiur, which will take place at 9:10pm, will be a Q&A session with the Rov of Beis Eliezer Yitzhak, Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld, taking place following the Shiur.
Participants will be served refreshments, including Cholent and Kugel, and unique Gefilte fish from the recipe of Rabbi Weinfeld’s mother will be available to take home.
The evening is being done in conjunction with TutAltz and Irgun Torah.
The evening is taking place in merit of the Yidden in Ukraine.
לעילוי נשמת הרב דן יואל בן הרב דובער ע”ה ליווי
ולעילוי נשמת מרת תמר מלכה בת ר’ יצחק ע”ה ליווי לרגל היארצייט כ”ב אדר שני