Start Meseches Yevamos With An All New Start

Join one of the seven daily Gemara shiurim in Crown Heights (and online) that are starting to learn Maseches Yevamos, giving you the opportunity to learn the first masechta of Seder Kiddushin! Starting this Wednesday, Vov Adar Alef, March 9th. (Rabbi Osters Shiur starts Maseches Yevamos on Tuesday, Hei Adar Beis, March 8th).

Grab this unique opportunity! Start Seder Kiddushin anew with Meseches Yevamos, and finish in just four months. Learn a Daf Gemora a day, and before you know it you have learned one page after page, and then one perek after another until you have finished the entire Masechta!

As stated in the Igros of the Rebbe: “By every page of the Gemora that is studied, an elevation in the knowledge of the Torah is added, and this elevation helps in the study of all other matters of the Torah.” 

“שעל ידי לימוד כל דף ודף גמרא נוסף עילוי בידיעת התורה, ועילוי זה מסייע בלימוד שאר כל ענייני התורה” – שיחת כ’ מנחם-אב

And the Frierdiker Rebbe writes in a letter “study daily a Daf gemoroh”

“ללמוד יום ביומו דף גמרא” – אגרות הרייץ תמוז תרפ”א

Come join us at one of these seven daily Gemora shiurim:

Rabbi Fishel Oster 

A clear and concise 35-minute shiur.

Join us live at Merkaz Avreichim 466 Albany Ave. (downstairs)  

Sunday: 8:15-9:00 AM 

Monday-Friday: 7:45-8:30 AM 

The gemara shiur is preceded by half an hour of Chassidus.

Available online on YouTube and Spotify:

YouTube link:

Spotify link:

To get the daily daf Gemoroh shiur by WhatsApp and updates on the shiur: 

Shiur arranged by Irgun Torah.

Anshei Lubavitch – Geshem Shul – 578 Albany Ave.

Rabbi Shmuel Rosenstein

Sunday-Thursday: 8:00-9:00 PM

Shabbos: 45 minutes before Mincha

Zoom: available on request

Beis Eliezer Yitzchok – R’ Levy’s shul 394 Kingston Ave.

Rabbi Hershel Lustig

Sunday: 8:45 AM

Monday-Friday: 6:30 AM

Shabbos: 7:15 PM

Also, an Omud a day, Monday-Thursday at 7:20 PM

Zoom: 4051047658, passcode: 845752

Chevra Shas 398 Kingston Ave.

Rabbi Alexander Heppenheimer

Sunday: 6:45 am, followed by Shacharis

Monday-Friday: 6:30 am, followed by Shacharis

Motzaei Shabbos: 8:45 pm (winter)

Zoom: 6822231894, passcode: 613

Anash Shul – 770 Montgomery St.

2 Shiurim: 

– Rabbi Holtzberg (In Yiddish) 

Daily 8 AM

– Rabbi Shia Werner 

Daily 10:00 am

Zoom: 75222541129, passcode: 281263

Shain’s Shul – 390 Kingston Ave.

Rabbi Zalman Shanowitz

Sunday-Thursday: 8:00 pm

For a full listing of shiurim from Irgun Torah, visit: 

For a full listing of podcasts from Irgun Torah, visit:

Partner with Torah:

If you or your shul would like to start a new shiur, please contact us at: