Anshei Lubavitch Inaugurates New Men’s Mikvah


A new Men’s Mikvah named Mikvah Mashbak was inaugurated Sunday morning at a ceremony at Anshei Lubavitch Shul in Crown Heights.

Sponsored in part by the family of Reb Berel Junik, the Mikvah was named Mashbak, in his honor as the Mashbak of the Rebbe’s home.

The brand new mikvah, located on the Shul’s premises at 578 Albany Ave, is complete with a dressing area, showers, and Bor.

Another special honoree was Dovid Hershkowitz, whose months of dedicated work oversaw the project to completion.

Those who came to the inauguration ceremony heard from the Shuls Rov, Rabbi Yossi Garelik, as well as a representative from the Junik family.

Other sponsorships included the Gopin family in memory of Reb Boruch Gopin and Reb Dovi Lesches in memory of his uncle Reb Yeshayahu Lesches.

The mikvah had previously been given a Hechsher Kashrus by the Av Bes Din of Crown Heights Harav Avrohom Osdoba, as well as Rabbi Grossbaum, the Rov who oversaw the mikvah’s construction.

The Shul also thanked the donors who helped make the mikvah a reality: Abe Rogasky – Zalmy Cohen – Menachem Gopin – Michoel Mutchnik – Dovid Hershkowitz – Yossi Yaffee – Mendy Gopin – Avremi Ormland – Yitzy Shapira – Dovid Junik – Berel Hildeshaim – Dovid Abba Goldstein – Binyomin Lifshitz -Zalman Friedman – Rabbi Yossi Garelik – Sruly Richler – Sam Kanar – R’ Avraham Gopin – Chezki Golowinsky – Betzalel Gopin – Mendel Engel – Shimon Liani – Yossi Dahan – Levi Brook Lzchus Mushka Bas Matanya Yehuda – Shneur Gopin – Chanoch Chaskind – Pesach Alpert – R Shia Morosow – Dovi Lesches – Shamshon Junik – Menachem Mendel Junik – Benny Friedman – Peretz Chein – Hershel Spalter – Levi Kotlarsky – Moshe Yosef Engel – Shloimy Stock – Yechiel Schron – Natfoli Hildeshaim – Ariel Spiegel – Yossi Shain – Eli Posner – Shmuel Hildeshaim – Yitzy Silver – Yitzchok Yarmush – Aharon Gopin – Menachem Lasker – Kuti Goldstien – Shneur Seewald – Mendy Chein – Yaakov Raskin