Seudas Yehudis, A Crown Heights Organization Providing Meals To New Mothers

Seudas Yehudis, is a Crown Heights organization that for over two decades has been providing meals to new mothers and their families for two weeks postpartum, and has been servicing an average of eight families a week.

Recently we have expanded and opened another branch, the ‘Single mother’s fund’. This fund gives support to single mothers and their families, especially helping ease the financial burden five times a year leading up to the busy Yomtov seasons. It also provides Shabbos food, birthday gifts, and Yomtov packages. 

We are excited to launch our very first fundraising campaign this Sunday and Monday, March 6th and 7th – Gimmel and Daled Adar II!

You or someone you know has likely benefited from this organization, please donate generously to help us continue this important work!

Link to donate

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