Living Chassidus Empowers Women for Birth with the Life Skills Series

by Brochie M.

Living Chassidus is more than just an enjoyable space to learn and discuss important relevant information with like-minded women. The classes have greatly impacted my personal life in a way I will always remember. 

During the year before I was blessed with my first pregnancy, Living Chassidus held a Life Skills Series on preparation for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. I was searching for something just like that, but didn’t anticipate the great influence it would have on me forever.

For most of my young adult life, I feared birth and motherhood. I was addressing it in self-education, therapy, and tried seeking out people’s positive experiences to put myself in an optimistic headspace. I would often relate how I wished there were classes that prepared young women for such important stages, but would often get the same response: “Everyone wants a family, and it isn’t something you should think about before. Once you’re in it, when you need help, you’ll deal with it then.” That didn’t resonate for me and I was determined to continue searching. Through the Rebbe’s letters, I was blessed to receive incredibly clear guidance that gave me so much strength and loving support. I now know that I was not alone in my experience. Baruch Hashem as a result of my very special journey, women now contact me for guidance and empowerment. So many women share how they wish they had been prepared for their first, and that only for their subsequent births did they make an effort to feel informed or heal from unfortunate traumatic experiences. 

The Living Chassidus Life Skill Series classes I attended covered an incredible variety of educational topics surrounding motherhood. Every class was given by various speakers who went into great detail on their area of expertise, and were followed by questions and answers. The classes on midwifery and homebirth by Barri Malek & Kristen Leonard, and on hypnosis and relaxation during childbirth by Sarah Eichler, were so reassuring and resounding, that even though I’d always vowed I would have a medicated birth to get past the necessary evil of childbirth, I was blessed to experience a magical natural homebirth. Judy Ribner and Hindy Greisman’s classes educated us on what our bodies went through during birth, the medical terms used, and what to expect. There was a class on breastfeeding and birth by Sara Chana Silverstein and a class on the early days postpartum by Henna Shomer. Malka Schwartz’s class educated us on the function of our pelvic floor, and how to care for it before and after birth. Michal shared her personal experiences around birth and motherhood which were candid, relevant, and inspiring. Now as my humbling journey continues with motherhood being my greatest badge of honor and the richest pleasure and love I have ever experienced, not a day goes by that I wonder in surprise how it was possible to have ever felt otherwise.

Living Chassidus will always have a special place in my heart. Looking back at my growth and transformation, it had the biggest influence on the beginning of my journey to start my family with confidence, knowledge, and support. When I was blessed to experience the pregnancy and childbirth of our precious daughter Rosie, I often looked back on the resourceful knowledge I obtained in the course.

I’ll forever be grateful for the Life Skills Series. I continue to look forward to the classes they generously offer, thanks to their sponsors, dedicated volunteers and team. I wish them much success in the incredible holy work they do to serve our community of young women, who are privileged to raise and lead the next generation.

Learn more about Living Chassidus 

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Watch the Lifeskills series here:

Pelvic Floor Health with Malka Schwartz

Hypnobabies with Sarah Eichler

My Birthing Experience with Michal Weiss

Sara Chana Silverstein Speaks About Birth

Discussions on Birth with Judy Ribner

Labor and Postpartum with Hindy Greisman