Memorial Event Held For Yankel Rosenbaum HY”D At Site Of His Murder


Thirty years ago during the Crown Heights riots, an angry mob shouting, “Kill the Jews!”, chased a Lubavitcher bochur through the streets of Crown Heights. At President and Brooklyn, Yankel was surrounded and violently stabbed and beaten to death.

To honor the sacrifice and elevate the soul of Yankel Rosenbaum HY”D, family and friends gathered at the site of his murder Wednesday evening to remember Yankel, say Kaddish, and recite Mishnayos in his memory.

Yankel’s only sibling, Norman Rosenbaum obm, flew to New York from Australia over 250 times in his never-ending quest for justice on behalf of his brother. Norman never gave up and was in Crown Heights on the 25th anniversary of Yankel’s killing and held a memorial on the corner of President Street and Brooklyn. Sadly, Norman passed away in 2020.

On his 30th Yartzeit, as people gathered on President Street near Brooklyn Ave, they heard from a series of speakers reminiscent of the memorial held five years ago on the 25th Yartzeit, with the notable exception of Norman Rosenbaum obm.

In his place, one of the sons of Norman spoke at the memorial event, highlighting the need to combat and confront antisemitism wherever it may be found.

The event was organized by Rabbi Yaakov Behrman on behalf of the family, and was attended by public figures such as Rabbi Hecht from the NCFJE, Rabbi Colonel Goldstein, and Gadi Hershkop from Crown Heights Shomrim.

Also in attendance was Republican Mayoral candidate and founder of the Guardian Angels Curtis Silwa.