What I Want to Give to My Campers At CGI Detroit
As the first summer on the newly leased grounds for CGI Detroit Boys Division got underway, Bentzi Avtzon of Yuvla Media captured the special energy of the camp.
Campers and staff sharing their experiences include:
Arik Deren, Greenwich, CT,
Mendel Matusof, Toledo, OH
Levi Katz, Miami, FL
Meir Lazaroff, Houston, TX
Avi Katz, Miami, FL
Mendel Raichman, Vieiralves, Brazil
Gavi Geisinsky, Cedarhurst, NY
Yaakov Resnick, Pleasanton, CA
Zalman Weinberg, Staten Island, NY
Alter Hendel, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Menachem Deren, Cape Town, South Africa