Preparations in Full Swing for the International Siyum HaRambam
As the date of Siyum taking place this Sunday approaches, increased excitement is felt amongst the Crown Heights residents and thousands of out-of-town guests, some of whom have already begun arriving.
Wherever you turn, you see posters and flyers with information about the 40th Siyum that will take place on the auspicious day of Gimmel Tammuz.
Distinguished rabbonim from around the world have already confirmed their participation in the event. Full details of the program will be released shortly.
Dozens of Crown Heights shuls are taking an active role in organizing for as many families as possible in their congregations — men, women, and children — to attend the Siyum.
During Shabbos, tens of representatives from the Siyum committee will visit the various shuls in the community and speak of the wondrous occasion of completing Rambam for the fortieth time on Gimmel Tammuz.
Directors of the Siyum committee spoke at the Crown Heights schools and explained to the children that they aren’t just guests at the Siyum; they are celebrating their own Siyum on Sefer Hamitzvos, which is also completing its fortieth cycle.
Special seforim have been printed in honor of the Siyum and will be distributed as a memento from the event.
The police and the organizational team are investing much effort and planning to ensure that all aspects of the event run smoothly and safely.
Eastern Parkway and the nearby streets will be closed ahead of the Siyum and will be reopened after the event’s conclusion at 9:30 PM.
The members of the Siyum HaRambam committee express their hope and confidence that this Siyum will be an impetus for a complete breakthrough and expansion of the Rambam study to reach all segments of the Jewish world, and that the halachos that we will learn on Gimmel Tammuz about Moshiach will have already been fulfilled in a practical sense even before the Siyum.