The Levaya of Gary Lava OBM, A Giant Of Chessed Who Saved Countless Lives


On Tuesday, the 11th of Adar, Yaakov Aryeh Hakohen (Gary) Lava, a Flatbush Hatzalah Paramedic, as well as instructor and teacher of Hatzalah members citywide, passed away.

A giant of chessed, Gary trained Hatzalah EMT’s and Paramedic’s from all across New York State, including many members from Crown Heights Hatzalah.

He passed away suddenly Tuesday, and his Levaya passed by the Flatbush Hatzalah garage on Ocean Ave in Brooklyn, where members from many neighborhoods said tehillim and accompanied him to the cemetery.

In his many years helping the community and training others to do the same, Gary, known as F-15, saved countless lives.