Annual Oholei Torah Hei Teves Fair
Celebrating a chassideshe Yom Tov in a most exciting manner was the goal of the PTA, as they held their Annual Hey Teves Book Fair.
In preparation for the book fair, sale pamphlets were sent home so the talmidim can choose which seforim and books they want. There was a special pamphlet prepared for the younger grades as well, so everyone can choose seforim on their level. Funds were raise to be able to offer the talmidim even greater discounts. Rabbi Veli Karp was instrumental in this project.
Unique to this year was an exhibit, Shaleshles Hakabalah – A chronological overview of Tanach,, which is printed in the back of the siddur. This presentation was prepared by OTEG – A project of the eighth-grade classes, under the direction of Rabbi Yossi Bryski.
Also new to this year was an exhibition of 70 tanyas from around the world, which was done in connection with Shnas HaShivim of the Rebbe’s nesius.
The PTA also sponsored seforim for a nominal fee of One dollar – making I possible for every talmid to come home with a sefer.
Other highlights included, Chinese auction of various sefirim and judaica, an expanded display of antique seforim and a guest mashpia who held farbrengens and dancing with the talmidim. He explained to the students the special simcha and yom tov atmosphere of the day, and the importace of Didan Notzach and what it represents.
The PTA is a most important and energetic group that enhances many aspects of the day to day yeshiva experience. The care and generosity of the PTA infuses the yeshiva programs immensely.
The PTA annual auction, https://www.oholeitorahpta.com/ their main fundraiser enabling them to do so much will be held on Sunday, Januray 19th.