Crown Heights’s 71st Police Precinct Brightened With Menorah Lighting
by CrownHeights.info
A small but beautiful event took place Monday afternoon in the muster room of the 71st Police Precinct. Police officers and community members rubbed shoulders as they stood for the lighting of the 71st Precincts menorah.
The event was organized by ChabadAir, and included a menorah lighting and doughnuts for the officers.
The event opened with words by Rabbi Yossi Bryski, who spoke about the story of Chanukah, and the importance of the partnership between the community and the police force.
In preparation for the lighting of the Menorah, the new commanding officer of the 71st precinct, Deputy Inspector Tito Romero, lit the shamish, which was then used to light the Chanukah candles.
The menorah was lit in memory of Chana Bas Avrohom.
Rabbi Bryski then introduced keynote speaker Rabbi Simon Jacobson, a renowned community lecturer and prominent Rabbi.
Rabbi Jacobson spoke about the power of a flame, connecting the flame of the Menorah with each person. He noted that the Shamish, held above the other flames, has the special place of being there to serve for the other flames, similar to those who put their lives on the line for others.
To end the event, a crystal dreidel was gifted to the precincts new commanding officer, with the blessing that he should have a successful tenur as he works to protect the community.
Deputy Inspector Romero our new Commanding Officer lights the shammash ? on the second night of Hanukkah. While the community came to show their appreciation for all the 71st Precinct ? #happyhanukkah pic.twitter.com/qvkv8Ieafe
— NYPD 71st Precinct (@NYPD71Pct) December 24, 2019