Crown Heights Camp Opens Overnight Division

Camp Tzeirei Hatmimim of Crown Heights has opened a new overnight division for the summer of 5779.

Founded in 5778, the camp was born on the spirit of the Rebbe’s instruction to utilize the summer months for learning and spiritual growth, while refreshing the body for the year ahead.

Geared to 6th, 7th and 8th graders, Camp Tzeirei Hatmimim was established by Rabbi Yitzchok Wolf, a Mechanech in Crown Heights, and Rabbi Yosef Klyne, a Mashpia at Yeshivas Lubavitch Baltimore.

The first month offers a full day program in Crown Heights, where the talmidim are given the opportunity to thrive in learning and enjoy activities, guest speakers and trips in the afternoon.

The second month runs as an overnight camp, in Baltimore MD, where the campers could be immersed in a full camp experience, in a chassidishe atmosphere. The camp songs, the recreational activities and the relationships built, will accompany the children throughout the year.

The camp will reside at the newly renovated campus of Shlangers Yeshiva in Baltimore. Spread out on over 8 acres of land, the campus includes several tennis courts, a soccer field, Basketball courts and expansive activity rooms for indoor activities.

An important tenet of Camp Tzeirei Hatmimim is to hire experienced teachers, who serve in chinuch positions throughout the year, in order to provide the most qualified chinuch. As a part of the wholesome experience, during the overnight month the campers also have bochurim staff who bring their Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva passion with them, which spreads to the campers.

The camp runs in Yiddish, but also offers classes in English. Many parents have testified that their son joined the program with a minimal command of Yiddish, and saw drastic improvement over the summer, which greatly assisted them throughout the year in yeshiva.

The curriculum, activities, and programs are all directed by Rabbi Yosef Klyne, who also handpicks the staff, oversees their work and gives the camp its distinct flavor.

To register your child please go to:


  • Wow - Amazing !

    How fortunate we are for this fresh camp opportunity.

    I hear tremendous positive remarks from last summer – And with the new campus, looks very interesting.

    Much hatzlacha !!!

  • this is making history

    YIDISH is coming back to lubavitch.

    watch out. this klein guy is a powerhouse.

  • from a baltimorian

    the campus has just been built, and is used by a litvish yeshiva during the year. beautiful place!
    we wish rabbi klyne shlita very much hatzlocha. the campers are lucky.
    love, an Anash member in Baltimore.