On Monday, Rabbi Mendy Cohen, Shliach to the state of California's capital, Sacramento, was honored with opening the senate with a prayer.
Video of the Day – Shliach opens CA Senate Session
On Monday, Rabbi Mendy Cohen, Shliach to the state of California’s capital, Sacramento, was honored with opening the senate with a prayer.
This guy is probably a cool dude, but he should have preped his speach before he spoke it. It is funny how people are so believing, even in this day, of devine right i.e. “you who were appointed by God” etc. I wonder if David Dinkins was also appointed by God. The audience he was talking to was probably wondering why he was sounding so ignorant.
sorry mendy you dont go unprepared. nisht shain.
Bored on empire
not impressed, so sorry to be negative, but the rebbe shoudl have been named, english shold have been better prepared and the 7 noahidie laws neede more explanation, it looks llike he had 0 time to prepare
You are right Asher. Malchus shel Chesed, does not mean a Kingdom it means a COUNTRY, Bush is no king.
ahvat yisroale
asher dont knock , what have you done to promote a kidush hashem?
stop knit picking, by the way we as jews spell G-D with a dash ….
painful to listen to!
PAINFUL!! how embarrasing!
did he go to ohlei torah?
i understand he must have been very nervous speaking there, in front of everyone, but i dont think it’s an excuse.
not good, not good at all, i’m sorry.
do it again another time and prepare for it!
next time come prepared! or maybe he was just nervous????????????????????
Olei Torah Chai
At half way through the video he says:
“On its’ currency is printed ‘In G-d we trust’, which is the first of the seven commandments”
Ask any first-grader how many commandments there are!
It seems you were breaking your teeth trying to read the “fancy” words. OTDDS!! (Oholei Torah Deficit Disorder Syndrome)
Oholei Torah Chai!
To ahvat yisroale:
You call this a Kiddush Hashem?!
Ehem… Stu.. Stu… Stuttering is a Kiddush Hashem?!
By the way: We as Jews spell “Jews” with a capital ‘J’.
Oholei Torah Chai!
Rabbi Mendy – Congratulations!
What a kiddish Hashem. Whether or not the speech went over the way that you want, I know that everyone who meets you at any time absolutely falls in love with you. You appeal to everyone with your darling heart, your amazing mind and non-judgemental, easy-going and zees personality. I am so happy to see you involved in this. I am sure you made a wonderful Lubavitch impression on them, the way you always do.
Yasher Koach -
dont poke fun at a kidush hashem. Hafotzos Hayahadus that is the most important, no matter how he spoke , they will probably invite him again becuase hes a lubavitcher- Shliach, and that is the ikar, hats off to him for taking that role.
you guys have no idea what a kiddush hashem means… if it would have been betzi shem tov up there not one of you would have a word to say, disgusting the way you guys sit and judge a shliach that spends his time doing for others… he is who he is, had he read it like the president reads hes speeches you would of forgotten or not even heard what he said…… think about it…..
Oholei Torah Chai! – I hope you ask Mechila from everyone who Stutters for your comment. If only you knew what it was like. Keep your obnoxious comments to yourself.
Oholei Torah Chai!
Ok. I ask Mechila.
It would be good for people to speak positively and help to make others feel good–especially a shliach as wonderful and as much of a mekushar as Mendy.
Please try to remember that you are commenting on real Yidden. With or without your name, the words you speak have an impact. Even when we are on the internet our machsava, dibur, and maaseh are still our own. Let’s try to encourage our shluchim and their mesirus nefesh.