Video: City Council Candidate’s Hateful Pitch
Thomas Lopez-Pierre, who is running against Mark Levine for a New York City Council seat in upper Manhattan, released this campaign video on Holocaust Remembrance Day, in which he pledges to fight “greedy Jewish landlords.”
A self-described “greedy Jewish landlord” responded with a campaign of his own (see second video below).
“The vile statements by my opponent are proof that anti-Semitism isn’t just a threat in Europe and other far-away places–it’s on the rise here in New York City as well. Silence in the face of such reprehensible rhetoric is not an option, especially when hate crimes against Jewish New Yorkers have risen by an unprecedented 123% this year. We must confront and denounce this hatred unambiguously. I will continue to run my campaign based on the principles of tolerance of people of all backgrounds and rejection of bigotry in any form, and I am confident the voters of my district will show they share these values as well,” said Councilman Mark Levine in a statement.
He’s creating hate radicalizing people making them hate Jews don’t know how this is allowed!
Because Democrats /Liberals are hypocrites.
Imagine Trump saying this.
It’s allowed because this is a free country where we can all say whatever we like. The same freedom that protects you and me protects him too. G-d forbid that this should ever change.
Moishe pipek
A valid lesson for liberal anti Trump Jews.Thanks, Thomas Lopez, giving people a chance to look into your evil inner self.
let's be careful not harmful
Dear Jewish landlords, don’t be greedy!
Great Dane
Can we get the lame stream media to shine a light on this piece of garbage xenophobe? The hypocrisy of the left is outstanding!