Video: Sassoon Family Sings ‘Cry No More’

This ‘music video’ was given to Yeshiva World News by R’ Gavriel Sassoon, who lost seven of his children in a tragic fire last Friday night in their Flatbush home. In it, the whole Sassoon family sings Yaakov Shwekey’s hit song “Cry No More,” which they performed together at a recording studio in Brooklyn last Chanukah.

The song has been edited of all Kol Isha. Mr. Sassoon was distraught after learning that the audio with his wife and daughters singing had gone viral, and made sure that a new version was edited in a music studio today. The audio was subsequently given to YWN to share.


  • Angels

    Is it just me, being soft-hearted, or is it impossible to be human and not have tears flowing down one’s face while watching this video?
    “….umacha Hashem Elokim dima me’al kol panim…-…may Hashem Elokim wipe away tears from every face… Amen.

  • Oy Ah..

    Please this is a Nevua for the very very close future! Amein Kein Yehi Ratzon! We will see you again kinderlach oh so soon!

  • Crown Heights Resident

    It was Mamosh Hashgacha Protis that the children chose this particular song (from all the other 100’s of jewish songs) to record