Despite barriers erected by the Police Department to deter such activities, many Israeli Bochurim visiting Crown Heights for Tishrei continue to cut across Eastern Parkway, dodging speeding traffic and crating a major hazard.

Video: Israeli Bochurim Cut Across Eastern Parkway

Despite barriers erected by the Police Department to deter such activities, many Israeli Bochurim visiting Crown Heights for Tishrei continue to cut across Eastern Parkway, dodging speeding traffic and crating a major hazard.


  • What-s Yechi mean?

    This is the only reqson I don’t live in Israel, I don’t want my kids behaving like Chayos and thinking its normal.

  • to the editors do not post this thanks

    even that this is wrong why would u post this and make a chilul lubavitch and chilul rebbe even if they r making a chilull it dosent mean u have to make a chilul also just think to urself what would the rebbe say to u does he appreciate what u r doing puting this on a site where non lubavitchers look at and could be merachek

  • Milhouse

    Get real. It’s New York; jaywalking is a way of life. When Giuliani announced that the jaywalking laws would be enforced, everyone laughed, and the police point blank refused to cooperate. One NY Times reporter tried hard to get a ticket; he found some cops, and repeatedly crossed the street back and forth in front of them, but they just looked at him and did nothing. Everyone knows that in NY jaywalking is accepted, whereas in Israel it is *not*. In Israel these bochurim wouldn’t do this, because they’d get a ticket. So don’t pretend this is some terrible thing, or that it’s an Israeli thing.

  • Ridiculous

    I 100% agree with Milhouse’s comment. This website is constantly trying to make the Israelis look like animals. Don’t kid yourself. We all know Americans do the same.

  • agree with 4 &6!!!!

    stop finding things wrong with the israelis, tzfatim, etc!!!
    stop stereotyping them!

  • Mo

    its an idiotic behavior to walk into oncoming speeding traffic. ENd of story. It’s just not safe! thgose bvarriers are there for a reason, not to inhibit anyones rights but to protect those who jus cannnot walk to the corner to cross safely

  • concerned for safety

    Regardless of who these people are or why they are doing this, it is wrong to cross the street like this. It is endangering not only the lives of those crossing, but of drivers that might crash trying to avoid them. If you ever see anyone cross the street like that, regardless of who, scold them so they will think twice next time they need to cross the street. You could save a life.

  • Let them stay home

    After being kicked in the arm this Yom Kippur in the women’s section by one of the sweet young women Israeli guests, I really had enough. Let them stay home under the watchful eyes of their families. They come here to act wild and mouch off the kindness of CH.