Shauly Waldner presents his all new music video, Siman Tov, from the debut album Tov Hashem. This original music video brings out the Simcha in a unique and fresh way.

Video: Siman Tov – A Unique & Fresh Music Video

Shauly Waldner presents his all new music video, Siman Tov, from the debut album Tov Hashem. This original music video brings out the Simcha in a unique and fresh way.


  • Chanie

    Been replaying it all morning! Love this song. For all you naysayers: How come attracts negative people and negative comments all the time??? Or all the positive happy people too busy to leave comments?? Great song!! Love it!

  • chaim

    The words Simin Tov Umazel Tov sung to a beautiful toon.

    Q-Have you heard it before?
    That makes it original, fresh and unique.